Save Energy This Winter by Turning Down the Heat In Your Gainesville Apartment
While Florida’s summers can be miserable without air conditioning, our state is blessed with mild winters that rarely require heating. This means that residents of Bellamay Grand can save some cash around the holidays by simply setting their heat to a lower temperature.
When you’re planning to save money by turning down the heat, there are a few things to remember. The most important is to make the most of the heat you have. Be sure to keep the windows and doors of your Gainesville apartment closed as much as possible so that the heat stays inside. Be sure to double check window seals and weather stripping around doors, since these are easily repaired places where leaks are common.
Another trick is to make the most of the heat you generate through other means. While not nearly as efficient as a central heater, TVs and computers do generate heat as they operate, so staying near them when they’re in use can help keep you warmer. If you take hot showers, you can also help heat up your home by opening the door afterwards and allowing the heat to disperse into other rooms. Using these tips, and keeping a warm sweater handy, can help you get through the winter at Bellamay Grand with a significantly lower power bill. To learn more about our luxury community, contact our main office today main.