Tips on Keeping Food Fresh in the Refrigerator at Your Gainesville Apartment

When food goes bad, it not only creates an unpleasant odor and mess for you to clean, it’s also a waste of money and can potentially contaminate other food in your refrigerator. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep food preserved or put it to use when it starts to go bad.

Fruits and vegetables are among the most perishable items in any refrigerator, and many can also be among the leading causes of food spoilage. This is due to a gas known as ethylene that is naturally produced by many plants to promote the breakdown of fruits so that their seeds are free to grow. Not every fruit or vegetable produces or is broken down by ethylene, but a few of the biggest ethylene producers are apples, peaches, plums, tomatoes, bananas, avocados, papayas, and cantaloupes. These items should be kept away from other produce if possible and the drawer or space holding them should be adequately vented to prevent ethylene from building up.

Bread, even with preservatives, is another item that commonly spoils since its porous structure and the moisture stored inside it can make it a perfect habitat for mold. Many of these molds can be toxic, so to avoid food poisoning or another potential reaction, it’s important to preserve bread as soon as it begins to go stale and before molds form. Croutons are a smart way to preserve old bread by simply chopping the bread into smaller chunks, coating them with some oil, and baking them until crisp. With much of their moisture removed, these croutons can last far longer than bread would otherwise.

Taking these tips, and regularly cleaning the refrigerator in your Gainesville apartment, will help you keep your food fresh and delicious. And if you’re looking for an apartment with spacious kitchens and outstanding appliances, contact Bellamay Grand today.

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