Remember to Change the AC Filters at Your Gainesville, Florida Apartment
With its sweltering, humid summers that seemingly never end, Gainesville, FL is a place where you may be tempted to run your air conditioner almost all year long.
That’s why people who live in Gainesville, Florida apartments are known to put their air conditioners through heavy-duty use. If you live in a Gainesville apartment, no one would blame you for running the air conditioner 24-7, but if you do, make sure to remember one important maintenance tip: change your air conditioner filter every month.
Changing the AC filter will help you accomplish a few goals. First, a clean filter will reduce strain on the unit, which also reduces the number of breakdowns and repairs. Second, a clean filter will reduce dust and other particles inside your apartment. Finally, clean filters help reduce your power bill.
Many leasing offices in Gainesville have extra filters that residents can pick up as needed. Some residents have made it a part of their routine to pick up a new filter when they drop off their monthly rent. If you need assistance changing your air conditioner filter, contact your apartment management/leasing office to request maintenance assistance.